IP-Core development

IP-Core development

Problem of development

Because of extremeley fast hardware development and comprehensive µC-control in all areas, there are shorter life cycles. Therewith shorter development periods are necessary.

We develop IP-Cores and use them in combination with available IP-Cores at our FPGA-designs.

What are IP-Cores?

Spezific standard functionalities (interfaces, filter, …) but also definable very complex tested and verified system-level functions.

  • allow a higher level of abstraction
  • considerable reduction of development time
  • fast time-to-market
  • simplified development
  • minimal design risks
  • reduces time to compile the designs
  • less verification time necessary
  • IP-Cores are full of expert knowledge
  • predictability of efficiency of the designs
  • fully documented modules with sourcecode and test-benches