Sequenzer AVT NT01 – For EMC measuring and testing technology
Sequencer to control any processes for test and inspection arrangements with high accuracy. The sequencer is particularly suitable for EMC measurement and testing technology. The simple installation and commissioning are outstanding features of the device.

- control of highly precise processes with FPGA technology
- from 8 to 72 output trigger channels
- good compatibility with devices because of optical and electrical 12V outputs
- channel output as trigger signal and inverted trigger signal
- synchronization of the trigger signals with a reference variable or external signal
- internal zero crossing detector (ZCD)
- switches for start, reset, standby and safety circuit
- comfortable operation with rotary encoder and graphic display
- connection of an external HD monitor possible
- the device can be used independently without a PC
- possibility of control by PC software via Ethernet or RS232
- minimal installation effort, no software maintenance
- saving and retrieval of parameters directly on the sequencer
- devices can be cascaded
- adjustable repeat of sequences
- freely programmable trigger programs
- 19″ rack mount